實驗電影【符爾莎 Fu Elsa】徵演員
1. 個人五官清晰照片電子檔1張,全身照正面、側面電子檔各1張(請寄最近的樣貌)
2. 姓名、身高、體重、年齡
3. 聯絡方式(請註明方便聯絡的時段)
4. 專長或表演、藝術活動相關經驗(如舞蹈或表演),沒有也沒關係
來信標題請打” 符爾莎演員徵選"。
來信標題請打” 符爾莎演員徵選"。
Experimental Film Project [Fu Elsa] Actor/Actress Wanted
Elsa Fu cannot figure out why she wakes up in a bed. Probably, she was the incarnation of the bed in the beginning. She belonged with the bed, and so did her soul. Elsa Fu was by herself at first; afterward, all the incarnations were created by her defects.
1. Female, slender build, pale complexion, 150 to 165cm tall (1 to 2 people)
2. Male, slender build, pale complexion, 160 to 170cm tall (1 to 2 people)
* Special requirement
For some scenes of the production, actors will need to be seminude or naked.
* This audition is open to local and international actors/actresses.
Application Deadline:
The casting period will remain open until the appropriate professionals are found.
Audition Location:
Auditionees will be notified of the audition location by email.
Days of shooting: 3 to 5 working days.
Paid Contact:
If you are interested in auditioning for this production, please email daslinkeohr@gmail.com
with “Fu Elsa/actor, actress wanted” in the subject line Please include the following in your email:
1. One of clear facial portrait (without makeup or with light makeup), jpg.
2. Two recent full-length portraits (front and profile), jpg.
3. Your name, height, weight and age.
4. Your contact information including your availability.
5. Speciality, talent or experience of performance (no previous experience is necessary for this role).
Experimental Film Project [Fu Elsa] Actor/Actress Wanted
Elsa Fu cannot figure out why she wakes up in a bed. Probably, she was the incarnation of the bed in the beginning. She belonged with the bed, and so did her soul. Elsa Fu was by herself at first; afterward, all the incarnations were created by her defects.
1. Female, slender build, pale complexion, 150 to 165cm tall (1 to 2 people)
2. Male, slender build, pale complexion, 160 to 170cm tall (1 to 2 people)
* Special requirement
For some scenes of the production, actors will need to be seminude or naked.
* This audition is open to local and international actors/actresses.
Application Deadline:
The casting period will remain open until the appropriate professionals are found.
Audition Location:
Auditionees will be notified of the audition location by email.
Days of shooting: 3 to 5 working days.
Paid Contact:
If you are interested in auditioning for this production, please email daslinkeohr@gmail.com
with “Fu Elsa/actor, actress wanted” in the subject line Please include the following in your email:
1. One of clear facial portrait (without makeup or with light makeup), jpg.
2. Two recent full-length portraits (front and profile), jpg.
3. Your name, height, weight and age.
4. Your contact information including your availability.
5. Speciality, talent or experience of performance (no previous experience is necessary for this role).