2015年11月14日 星期六

音體肢亂 – 國際即興實驗音樂展演 INTERNATIONAL IMPROV EXPERIMENT BOMB_2015/11/26(四) 19:30-21:00

音體肢亂 – 國際即興實驗音樂展演

時間 Time/
2015/11/26(四) 19:30-21:00

地點 Venue/
記得我咖啡 (台北市松山區南京東路四段133巷4弄16號)
Remember Me Café (No.16, Aly. 4, Ln. 133, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

表演者 Performers/
雨果‧文森/Hugues Vincent (FR)
Miguel Cubero(SP)
吳宗恩/Chung Chung(TW)
小威/Wayne (TW)
獸人博洋/Human Animal (TW)
艾密莉亞她唱歌/Amelia Song (TW)
Rica Juan(TW)
謝馬克/Mark Xie(TW)

票價 Ticket/
預售 $300 
現場 $350 
(Ticket contain one drink,Beer or Coffee or Green Tea.)

購票方式 Buy Tickets/
現場現金購票 Pay by cash at door




關於表演者 About The Performers/

●雨果•文森/ Hugues Vincent (FR)
師事丹尼斯•夏雷(Denise Cherret)學習古典大提琴,並於蒙特勒伊(Montreuil) Edim音樂學院學習爵士音樂,持有音樂學文憑。先後隨師Sofia Domancich、Didier Levalet、Régis Huby、Vincent Courtois、Ernst Reisjeger、Barre Phillips、Joelle Léandre等名家的演奏大師班課程。多年來雨果•文森經常和不同領域的音樂家組團演出,如Tilbol樂團;與Franck Smith組成的《底片-Celluloïd》樂團;Joelle Léandre《弦樂計劃 - String project》;Otomo Yoshihide《新爵士合奏團 - New Jazz Ensemble》;David S Ware的《弦樂合奏 - ensemble à cordes》;與中提琴Frantz Loriot的《Bobun》;ska斯卡樂團《卷羽鵜鶘 - Le pélican frisé》;acousmatic幻聽音樂三重奏《Bolitz》;搖滾音樂三重奏《趕緊 –Ganjin》。也和音樂家如Vincent Courtois、Mori Shige、Jean François Pauvros、Luc Ex、Maki Hachiya、Tabata Mitsuru合作發展即興音樂,同時與編舞家林佳穎、Ima Tenko、Imre Thormann、Saiko Kino等合作表演。目前,他為一位獨奏藝術家,也在舞台上參與當代舞蹈的演奏表演,並在德國、瑞士、比利時、荷蘭、義大利、西班牙、美國、摩洛哥、埃及、日本和台灣各國巡迴演奏。

Improv cellist Hugues Vincent studied cello with Denise Cherret and jazz at Edim & Conservatory of Montreuil (France)... Over the years he has collaborated with: Joelle Léandre "String project" ; Otomo Yoshihide "New jazz ensemble" ; David S Ware's "ensemble à cordes".... Had improvisations with: Hachiya Maki, Mori Shige Yasumune, Jean François Pauvros, Luc Ex, Makoto Sato, Jean Luc Cappozzo, Itaru Oki... He has also worked along choreographic fields (Chia Yin Ling, Imre Thormann, Ima Tenko) He currently works as a solo artist and acts on stage in contemporary Dance contexts while touring different countries (Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Italia, Spain, United-States, Morocco, Japan, Egypt, Taiwan...)

●Miguel Cubero(SP)

2013西班牙Almagro Off 古典劇場節榮譽導演
2013巴塞隆納擔任蒙特維第歌劇Il rittorno de Ulisse in patria(尤里西斯返鄉)導演

活躍於西班牙劇場界,長期擔任馬德里阿巴蒂亞劇院Teatro de La Abadía演員, 也與西班牙國家劇院和古典劇院合作,並曾參與盧森堡國家劇院在德國的演出

Miguel Cubero, postgraduated in the Complutense University of Madrid, is an enthusiastic actor who has done plenty of incredible theatre work. He is a stage and television actor, theatre director, also instructor in both plastic art and stage design. He is a painter, too. 

He has cooperated as actor with several prestigious Spanish institutions such as: Teatro de La Abadía de Madrid, National Company of Classical Theatre, Nationl Drama Center among the others. International performance with National Theatre of Luxembourg. 

In 2013, being a theatre director, Miguel Cubero won ¨Mención de Honor ¨ of Almagro Off, International Festival of Classical Theatre. Meanwhile, directed the opera of Claudio Monteverdi “Il rittorno de Ulisse in patria” in Barcelona.

●吳宗恩/Chung Chung(TW)
2012自法國國際戲劇表演學校L’ecole Philippe Gaulier 兩年戲劇課程畢業,以老師Philippe提出在遊戲或扮演的pleasure中找尋人性Humanity,最後像個笨蛋Idiot 一樣永遠保持對舞台探索的熱情,去找出自己最大的美麗。2014與同學成立The Sensitive Tofu Theater劇團,第一號作品《獨裁者的下午茶》於巴黎、香港、台灣巡迴,獲得廣大好評,後成立Phi表演工作室與挽仙桃戲班。前者除了本身的表演專業之外,也對面具、偶戲和小丑等表演形式有所涉獵;未來亦規劃和其它理念相同的藝術工作者一起合作;後者想要融合西方(Phi)與東方(歌仔戲)兩派系統,試圖找出新的台灣戲劇。2015回台推出挽仙桃戲班第一齣戲《白蛇蝶夢》,於彰化縣員林鎮福寧宮廟埕演出。

Created in 2014, PHi Acting Laboratory features a variety of combination of team members, who are mostly from Taiwan, Hong Kong and France and also the graduates of L’ecold Philippe Gaulier, an international theater school in Paris.

●小威/Wayne (TW)

Wayne Chen, a classically trained Flautist, is also fluent in Melodica and Piccolo. Wayne has performed at many concerts as part of the symphony orchestra members. Full of surprises, he is also a street performer that infuses humor into music.

●獸人博洋/Human Animal (TW)

Chang Po-Yang Influenced by Dadaism and Surrealism, Chang Po-Yang’s paintings has an abstract style, yet his photography and films reveal strong emotional aspect. He is now engaged with experimental films and has continually tried to find new ways to express his sensitive feelings about the world. Combing screenplay, poems and music, Chang Po-Yang wants to create a new style which can represent the spirit of contemporary world.

●Rica Juan(TW)

西班牙馬德里劇場學院La Escuela del Mar Navarro Y Andrés Hernández,受教於賈克樂寇前助理María del Mar Navarro,與前Roy Hart Theatre 聲音訓練Andrés Hernández,曾於馬德里Amor De Dios- Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española(佛朗明哥藝術與西班牙舞蹈中心), 受教於佛朗明哥大師María Magdalena.

After working as actor with The Golden Bough Theatre(Taiwan), Rica Juan applied for the “Project for developing theatre director and actor”run by Taiwan Culture Minister, and got opportunity to be trained in both acting and directing by Rusasian theatre director, Fedor Sukhov. At that time, she was an actor trained by method and skill of Grotowski poor theatre, Suzuki method, and Stanislavsky. 

For pursuing theatre training and acting career, she went to Madrid. Physically, trained by María del Mar Navarro , former pedogogical assistant of Jacques Lecoq; vocally, by Andre´s Hernández, musician and former memeber of Roy Hart Theatre. 

She was also trained by Flamenco Master, María Magdalena, in Amor De Dios- Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española. 

She also works as translator for theatre, screenwriter, and executive producer for documentary.

●卡特/ Carter (TW)
我要談論的是聲音這件事的本身從振動開始來自地內宇宙的 XU.
I talk about the noise this thing,star from the vibration of universe.

●艾蜜莉亞/ Amelia (TW)
不瘋魔。 不成活。

A hipster..
Hoping that being a happy free performer.
To life. To art. Cheers. With all my obsession.

●謝馬克/Mark Hsieh(TW)
Professional tattoo artist
